The Reynolds family is learning to make the very most of our time together since I returned to work in January. As a result of this newfound thinking, I obviously moved this blog to the backburner. But the kids are napping, and it's Mothers Day, so I'm doing this right now for myself.
The main reason? Time goes by so fast and we so easily forget all the cute and funny things that happen as the twins grow up. Just yesterday (it seems), they were stumbling around on four chubby feet and bumbling inaudibly. But today? They're singing almost the entire alphabet pretty darn clearly, pointing out every character in their Sesame Street books and shaking a pointed finger at us as they exclaim "no!"
Nate and I are so thankful for Evan and Owen's daycare, Butterflies and Bullfrogs. Miss Julie and the rest of the crew there are wonderful and have taught the twins so many things. They truly look forward to school every morning and, occasionally, don't want to be picked up! They're turning into such big boys. They can almost put their shirts and shoes on all by themselves, and they can actually eat without covering themselves from head to toe in applesauce and macaroni and cheese. I think they watch the "big kids" and emulate their actions. It's so fun to pick them up and figure out what they learned each day!
My job's good. It's a brand new position, which comes packed with two shoulderloads of pressure and responsibility. But it's nice being back at AQHA. As for Nate, God graciously answered our prayers May 7 as Pantex called (finally!) to offer Nate a job. We are so grateful. Nate starts June 2, and already he's a changed person. Such a weight lifted off of his hard-working soul. We pitty the poor fool who takes his place at Eco-logical. But we must move forward with heads high. This move opens so many doors for him and comes with a few extra thousand bucks to play with.
So, on this - my second Mothers Day as a proud mom - I exclaim that life is good. Being a mother is great. And being a mother of TWINS is truly twice as nice.
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