Black Kitty has been with us for three years now. She adopted us around the time we brought Baron home. They were BEST friends - played, ate, slept together. Once we realized she was sticking around, we had her spayed. That's another story in itself, as the non-english-speaking-but-cheaply-priced vet down the street LOST her for two days. She finally came out of the supply closet because she was hungry. Poor baby. We've grown to love Black Kitty, even though she grew to slowly not love Baron. She took over our front porch, and it's become the nicest morning ritual to feed the kitties before school. The kids love it. And they each had a kitty to feed - they'd take turns between Black Kitty and Baby Kitty. Yes, E and O picked out the names.
But, Black Kitty doesn't come around any more, and I shudder to think what might have happened to her in that awful snowstorm. I try to keep hope alive, but it's been almost two weeks. I like to think someone took her inside and loved her too much to let her go. Maybe she'll make her way back to us. Maybe not. Baby Kitty misses her buddy, and it makes me sad. Black Kitty stuck up for Baby Kitty and was probably the only reason Baby Kitty hasn

I told the twins that Black Kitty moved to a new neighborhood, and I can't believe how easily they accepted it. But I haven't. Didn't realize how attached I'd gotten. Maybe she'll come back.
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