Friday, October 2, 2009

New Friend

The world's friendliest stray kitty came to be our buddy over the weekend. Now he/she and Baby Kitty meet us with smiles every morning for breakfast.

So, meet Snow. We love him/her. And he/she isn't shy with kisses and hugs.

Let's hope he/she sticks around a long, long time!

Editor's note: I was in no way involved in Evan's outfit choice during this photo op.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Get on the Bus!

Since our July trip to KC, we've been the proud users of a sweet RV! The twins call it "Grandpa's Bus," which is fine by us.

Not only did it make the 10-hour drive home from KC much more comfortable, it's also been a great weekend reprise. We've taken it literally down the street to a couple of RV parks (Lame? We don't think so!); to Palo Duro Canyon; and most recently to Eagle Nest, New Mexico. And we plan to do lots more RVing as long as the kids continue to enjoy it.

Plus, Baron comes with us and has his very own couch to sleep on.

In my opinion, it doesn't get much better than hamburgers, campfires, Hungry Hungry Hippos and "roughing it" in an RV with all the amenities a person could dream of out in the wilderness. (Hot showers, microwave, comfy beds, TV...)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We Miss our Kitty

Amarillo experienced a HUGE snowstorm/blizzard Friday, March 29... and that's the last time we saw Black Kitty.

Black Kitty has been with us for three years now. She adopted us around the time we brought Baron home. They were BEST friends - played, ate, slept together. Once we realized she was sticking around, we had her spayed. That's another story in itself, as the non-english-speaking-but-cheaply-priced vet down the street LOST her for two days. She finally came out of the supply closet because she was hungry. Poor baby. We've grown to love Black Kitty, even though she grew to slowly not love Baron. She took over our front porch, and it's become the nicest morning ritual to feed the kitties before school. The kids love it. And they each had a kitty to feed - they'd take turns between Black Kitty and Baby Kitty. Yes, E and O picked out the names.

But, Black Kitty doesn't come around any more, and I shudder to think what might have happened to her in that awful snowstorm. I try to keep hope alive, but it's been almost two weeks. I like to think someone took her inside and loved her too much to let her go. Maybe she'll make her way back to us. Maybe not. Baby Kitty misses her buddy, and it makes me sad. Black Kitty stuck up for Baby Kitty and was probably the only reason Baby Kitty hasn't gotten knocked up. (That's on our to-do list - take another stray cat to the vet for our civic spaying duty. Watch out, Bob Barker!)

I told the twins that Black Kitty moved to a new neighborhood, and I can't believe how easily they accepted it. But I haven't. Didn't realize how attached I'd gotten. Maybe she'll come back.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Duty Calls

I'm going to go ahead and admit this: I've always wanted to serve on a jury. I've been summoned dozens of times since I've lived in Amarillo, but I either had a work trip or I called the automated message the night before to find I no longer had to report for duty. While others felt relief, I felt disappointment! Not because I wanted to get out of work or skip the gym that day - but because I've always been curious about the process and whether or not the movies depict it correctly.

Low and behold, I was summoned again for Monday, March 16. And it didn't get canceled! And, after a long, long wait in the jury room, I was picked to be one of the 12 members on the jury of a civil case. And I didn't even try to do anything tricky to get picked. It just happened. Actually, I know why I was picked. I'm the most indecisive person on the face of the Earth. I'm probably the best person in the world to serve on a jury. If it was a full-time job, I'd be the executive vice president of jury duty participation. But, I don't know how the lawyers knew that, other than the fact that I never raised my hand to declare a strong predisposition to one thing or another that they asked about during the selection process.

The trial lasted two days. My fellow jurors were awesome. We probably had more fun locked away in that tiny jury room than most panels. The lead attorneys on both sides were brand-spankin new, so it was fun to watch newbies in action. There were some major A-ha! moments, just like the movies; the judge scolded the lawyers from time to time; the court reporter sat brazen-faced; the defendants gave us droopy dog looks hoping we'd feel sorry for them; the guards escorted us to the parking lot; the plaintiff threw a temper on the stand; one guy was illiterate and the opposition kept trying to make him read a piece of evidence. It was exciting, it was a great experience, and I feel great pride for having performed my civic duty and allowed justice to prevail. The jury voted unanimously, which was a really cool feeling.

I can only hope I'll get picked again some day. Too bad I can't even give it another shot for six months. Rules are rules.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Julie's Closed

Kids are so savvy.

I think all parents have used the old "Sorry, honey, it's closed" trick when we're too tired or just don't have time to take the kids to the park, the zoo, the toy store, etc., etc.

In fact, I used it just the other morning when the kids wanted to go to church instead of school. "Sorry, kids, church is closed!"

Their comeback left me speechless.

"No, we're going to church. Julie's closed."

Julie is their teacher. How clever.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Where Did You Come From, Young Adult?

The last several weeks have been a trip. Nate and I have slowly been introduced to the realities of complete-sentence speaking because of Ella, the twins' adorable older cousin. Just the other day, Ella rode with me in the car, and I swear I was talking to a 20-year-old friend. So grown up and FUNNY!

Even though Ella has conditioned us quite well, we're still shocked when our twins communicate in full, correct sentences. We're talking nouns, verbs, compound adjectives - the whole works!

My favorite memory from the weekend was sitting at the table eating a late breakfast while the kids were playing in the living room. I heard footsteps behind me and heard Owen say, "What are you doing, Mommy? Eating cereal?" So clear, so grown up. Melted my heart. No more Reynolds babies!

And Nate and I can't remember the last time we changed a poopy diaper for Owen. Halelujah! Evan still has the occasional accident. But that's a small price to pay. At least he tells us about it. In complete sentences!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Free Stuff? Yes, please!

Found a new great site, Free Birthday Treats. Too bad my family just had all their birthdays. Definitely something to look forward to!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hit Me!

A brilliant piece of advice Nate and I received from his coworker, Josh: Get the twins boxing gloves for Christmas. You see, Josh and his brother were given boxing gloves as children and were instructed to "fight it out" when they were feeling confrontational.

We found a close substitute for boxing gloves, the Hulk Hands. And they're way funnier looking. And they make growling noises. "Hulk mad! GRRR. You won't like me when I'm angry!"

When the kids get testy toward each other, Nate and I reach for the handy dandy Hulk Hands and next thing you know, the kids are having fun and can't remember why they're fighting in the first place.

Best case scenario - they gang up and beat the crap out of Daddy. Way to work together as a team, boys!

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Working, It's Working!

So, the sticker chart was the best decision I've ever made. For ONE MONTH STRAIGHT, I've had the pleasure of taking two wonderful kids to school each morning. If whining begins, I remind them that they need a Cookie Monster sticker to go next to the Oscar sticker they earned the morning before. Lickety split, that does the trick. They'll even behave for a simple, plain yellow star sticker.

So, I'm getting to work on time, sometimes early, sometimes even early enough to stop by Starbucks, because Mom needs her "sticker" too, right?

Life is good, and it's Friday, so we're heading for ice cream in a few short minutes.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Best Part of Waking Up... a smiling child. Or two.

Mornings have been rough - really, really rough - at the Reynolds household. Nate leaves for work before the rest of us get up. So I'm left - totally outnumbered - to get two temper-tantrum-minded toddlers ready, feed the dog and stray cats, and get myself reasonably presentable for another day at the office. I am habitually 5-10 minutes late every day. Thank God I don't have to clock in at my job.

Out of desperation, I created a chart on which the twins can earn stickers that lead to ice cream at the end of the week. And, so far, it's working! We instituted the chart almost two weeks ago, and I've had almost two weeks of wonderful, peaceful mornings. It makes me thankful for these great mornings when shoes get put on dutifully, animals are happy (because it's quiet!), faces are smiling, and I have plenty of spare moments for the important stuff - hugs, conversations, laughs.

Plus, as most people know, I'm a morning person. So I really like things to go smoothly in the morning so I can continue with the happy mood in which I awoke.

So, cross your fingers, say a prayer and wish me luck that the ice cream chart will continue to motivate the twins and keep me from pulling my hair out.

Friday, January 2, 2009

For Those About to Rock

Nate and I got each other a Wii for Christmas. So did Jenni and Brian. That escaladed into the wonderous discovery of Rock Band.

Oh, Rock Band, how we love you. We spent hours and hours rocking out New Year's Eve, trading instruments and fighting over who had to sing the crappy heavy metal songs. Even the kids got into it with their own guitars (thanks, Kelby!), drums, keyboard - you name it, we were representing into the wee hours of the night. The kids were thrown so far off schedule they didn't know what day it was. But it's worth it every now and then.

Happy New Year!

Learning a Thing or Two

I'm in the marketing profession, and I could never in a million years come up with the catchy slogans and phrases the twins throw around.

I could learn a thing or two, because they're on to something. Their phrases either get our attention or woo us into doing what they say.

That's marketing at its finest.

My favorites:

"I want to hold you!"

"There's a chicken in my ear."

"Oh, Jesus." (Part of a song we sing at church.)

More to come when I remember them.