...is a smiling child. Or two.
Mornings have been rough - really, really rough - at the Reynolds household. Nate leaves for work before the rest of us get up. So I'm left - totally outnumbered - to get two temper-tantrum-minded toddlers ready, feed the dog and stray cats, and get myself reasonably presentable for another day at the office. I am habitually 5-10 minutes late every day. Thank God I don't have to clock in at my job.
Out of desperation, I created a chart on which the twins can earn stickers that lead to ice cream at the end of the week. And, so far, it's working! We instituted the chart almost two weeks ago, and I've had almost two weeks of wonderful, peaceful mornings. It makes me thankful for these great mornings when shoes get put on dutifully, animals are happy (because it's quiet!), faces are smiling, and I have plenty of spare moments for the important stuff - hugs, conversations, laughs.
Plus, as most people know, I'm a morning person. So I really like things to go smoothly in the morning so I can continue with the happy mood in which I awoke.
So, cross your fingers, say a prayer and wish me luck that the ice cream chart will continue to motivate the twins and keep me from pulling my hair out.