The Reynolds household is not always a happy place these days. There's a lot of fighting among the soon-to-be-2 members of the family. They fight over toys, clothes, sippy cups, food, who gets to sit by mommy on the couch, who gets to feed the kitty first, who gets to turn off the TV. It's a constant battle. Someone is always crying. Nate and I have adopted a new sense of humor in order to cope.
We thought we'd remedy the situation, at least temporarily, by doing things that separate the twins from each other. For instance, I'll take Evan with me to Wal-Mart while Nate takes Owen to the Chevron to get gas. But, oddly, this doesn't seem to work like it did when they were babies. They used to truly enjoy an hour or two of alone time with mommy or daddy. But now, when we need it to work MOST, it backfires. They spend their entire, precious alone time asking, "Where's brother?" So, in essense, Mommy and Daddy don't get a break.
We giggle because they both call the other twin "Owen," and we're not sure why. Maybe for Owen, "Owen" just comes out easier than "Evan."
They actually pee pee in the potty quite a bit, so we might be on the road to successful potty training. We're not pressuring them at all, mostly because we're too exhausted to mess with running to the bathroom every 30 minutes. We figure we can wait til 30 months (the magic number, according to many parents) before we start hitting it hard. Although the money savings would be delightful right now if we could end the diaper-buying routine.
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