It's about time I started a blog. Not that my life's interesting enough for other people to want to pour over. But it'll help me remember, in my foggy, exhausted haze of stay-at-home momdom, all the fun and funny things that happen when you mix two very active twin boys (almost 14 months), an insanely huge German Shepherd, a sports fanatic husband and a way-too small house. Every day is an adventure.
Evan and Owen are running circles around us. Literally. They simply won't slow down. And they are SO busy. They constantly talk to each other, and I totally think they understand each other. Nate and I can only distinguish a handful of words so far. They've got the important words down - ball and Baron (our dog). What else could they possibly need to know?
Suspense is driving us mad right now. We sent DNA samples to a lab last week to once-and-for-all answer the looming question - ARE THEY IDENTICAL? We don't friggin know! And it doesn't really matter. It'll just get people off our backs once we finally know for sure. Nate and I are guessing they're fraternal, but there are too many people to count who swear they look exactly alike.
We'll know in the next week or so.
Baron's barking at me to take him to the neighbor's to play. Good old Samson the adorable yellow lab. He's Baron's best friend and we don't know what we'd do without him.
Evan and Owen are running circles around us. Literally. They simply won't slow down. And they are SO busy. They constantly talk to each other, and I totally think they understand each other. Nate and I can only distinguish a handful of words so far. They've got the important words down - ball and Baron (our dog). What else could they possibly need to know?
Suspense is driving us mad right now. We sent DNA samples to a lab last week to once-and-for-all answer the looming question - ARE THEY IDENTICAL? We don't friggin know! And it doesn't really matter. It'll just get people off our backs once we finally know for sure. Nate and I are guessing they're fraternal, but there are too many people to count who swear they look exactly alike.
We'll know in the next week or so.
Baron's barking at me to take him to the neighbor's to play. Good old Samson the adorable yellow lab. He's Baron's best friend and we don't know what we'd do without him.
We hope that your twin DNA test came out as you wanted, and the results were delivered in a timely manner. Things have changed a lot since this article was written. For instance, we are able to help people get Twin Zygosity results in just one day now. Hope the years past and ahead are filled with joy for you all.