From being a full-time mom.
Nate and I prayed and prayed for a particular outcome in our lives, where Nate got a fantastic job that allowed me to put the kids in Mother's Day Out two days a week and work part-time... But God has different plans for us, and it's time for us to start making better money to support our family. I'm truly blessed for the amazing opportunity that practically fell in my lap. My first call when I began job hunting was to AQHA, my former employer of 7 years. They happened to have a great position open that's PERFECT for my qualifications. After many prayers for guidance, I've become more and more comfortable with our new reality - I'm going back to work. I'd rather be at AQHA than anywhere else - they're family oriented and take care of loyal employees. I'll start as soon as Nate and I get day care arrangements figured out (that's definitely the hard part). Day care will be good for the twins. They'll learn far more than I had the energy or know-how to teach them. Nate and I just pray they won't get sick all the time.Sometimes I feel like I've failed the twins... but I have to remember that most families have to pull in two incomes to make ends meet nowadays. Nate and I will be committed to making the very most of the precious time we have with the twins after work and on the weekends. Everyone else does it, so we can, too.