Monday, May 26, 2008

My Flag Flies for Grandpa

Memorial Day, 2008, and I think of one great soldier who risked much to ensure all of our safety. Even in his last years, his anger toward the Japanese and the Axis powers was very real, as he saw first-hand the evil they were capable of. I only wish I could remember the story word for word, but driving in the car with my grandpa one day, he confided in me the worst day of his life, during the war when his ship docked and he stepped off for an officer's meeting while his crew waited for him onboard. He choked back tears when he told me that soon thereafter, his ship was hit by enemy fire and hundreds of his men perished in an instant. It was evident that he would have much rather given his own life than watch his dutiful men lose theirs.

He carried memories like that with him his entire life. We civilians will never understand the burden our soldiers bear - all for us. I cannot imagine sending my twins off to war, yet I also cannot imagine anything more noble, selfless and American for them to do. I'll let them choose, of course, yet I can only pray they never see the evil of battle like my Grandpa did. And it's days like today that, I hope, most of us garner up at least the tiniest bit of respect and gratefulness for our men and women in uniform.

Grandpa, I proudly fly my flag in the front yard today. It's for you. I'll always remember.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I thought you'd NEVER get back on this...I was going to IM you today and say, "blog,blog,blog." This one made me cry of course. You write good, and you're you said on mom's day if for yourself. I feel like I'm intruding with this, but I hope you're not sorry you gave me the blog site, I am blessed by it and you. Go Panthers...or at least purple (hope that's right). YKW
