It wasn't an easy process, but after a long wait and a little struggle, we closed on the house of our dreams in mid-December. We had the perfect buyers and some pretty awesome sellers, but we had a corrupt mortgage company in the middle messing it all up. Our good friends at
Amarillo National Bank, where we've held both our mortgages and banked for years, couldn't have been more wonderful.
Long story short, we were supposed to close two weeks earlier and had all our belongings, except a TV, a couple mattresses and most of our clothes, locked away in a uHaul outside our old house, where we had to continue living until our buyers' mortgage papers went through. We sacrificed a lot those two weeks, and we often told each other, "we'll laugh about this someday." But it was a difficult time, and we wouldn't want to do it again. But on the bright side, we found some fun ways to entertain ourselves and the kids and managed to grow closer as a family amid the stressful situation.
We are thankful everyday for our new home, which has truly felt like "home" since the moment I stepped inside with my fabulous real estate agent and good friend,
Marcia Parr. Call it instinctual, but I knew it was where we were meant to be. And, luckily, Nate trusted me.