Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hit Me!

A brilliant piece of advice Nate and I received from his coworker, Josh: Get the twins boxing gloves for Christmas. You see, Josh and his brother were given boxing gloves as children and were instructed to "fight it out" when they were feeling confrontational.

We found a close substitute for boxing gloves, the Hulk Hands. And they're way funnier looking. And they make growling noises. "Hulk mad! GRRR. You won't like me when I'm angry!"

When the kids get testy toward each other, Nate and I reach for the handy dandy Hulk Hands and next thing you know, the kids are having fun and can't remember why they're fighting in the first place.

Best case scenario - they gang up and beat the crap out of Daddy. Way to work together as a team, boys!

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Working, It's Working!

So, the sticker chart was the best decision I've ever made. For ONE MONTH STRAIGHT, I've had the pleasure of taking two wonderful kids to school each morning. If whining begins, I remind them that they need a Cookie Monster sticker to go next to the Oscar sticker they earned the morning before. Lickety split, that does the trick. They'll even behave for a simple, plain yellow star sticker.

So, I'm getting to work on time, sometimes early, sometimes even early enough to stop by Starbucks, because Mom needs her "sticker" too, right?

Life is good, and it's Friday, so we're heading for ice cream in a few short minutes.