I'm thankful for the first successful road trip since the kids were born. We went to Grammi and Papa GB's house for Thanksgiving - a 6-plus hour trip - and E and O were darn-near perfect BOTH ways. We were so proud of them and so happy to have a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend away from home. Plus, the trip managed to improve their level of potty-training. We thought it would do the opposite, but Owen is almost completely trustworthy in his big-boy Elmo underwear and rather enjoyed the public restroom adventures.
We went to the Fort Worth zoo - E and O's first REAL look at their favorite animals, since Amarillo's zoo features mostly the barnyard variety of animals. Elephants, zebras, giraffes. They had a blast. The weather was beautiful, and we had the park to ourselves because we were smart enough to go on Thanksgiving day. We had Grammi's big T-giving feast on Friday. Great weekend!