Thursday, November 1, 2007

At Least it was a Happy Halloween

This Halloween won't go down in the books as my favorite birthday ever. I spent it in pain with a belly button full of stitches. See, a few days earlier, I developed an umbilical hernia. Lucky me. The docs say it came about because carrying twins weakens your abdominal wall, and picking up kids all day long was too much stress on those weak abs. The docs wanted it fixed right away, so there I was, the day before my birthday, in surgery.

I've been trying to throw a pity party about it, but I sure am mad I had to deal with this. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to rely on other people for the next week or two. I'm not supposed to lift heavy things for a while and, it's no surprise, the twins count as "heavy things."

But they sure had a great Halloween as Superman and Superman Part 2. It was cold, but they trick or treated to a few houses in our neighborhood, then Nate took them to his Uncle and Aunt's house (Rick and ZoBeth), where all the rest of the family was hanging out in costume. I have a feeling their shiny red capes have become a wardrobe staple for them. They LOVE them.